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January 21, 2025

Top Fitness Sex Positions to Torch Calories Fast

Sex Positions

We often heard that passionate sex can help you to burn a ton of calories. Everybody who wishes to reduce extra weight has the goal of burning calories while having fun. Sex is the workout of the whole body. But without the right sex partner, it is next to impossible. Are you interested in decreasing your extra weight while having splendid sex? Then the escort service in Bangalore can help you with that.

It’s time to get a little more inventive if you want to increase your caloric expenditure during intercourse. Bid farewell to the missionary and prepare to investigate positions that call for a little more athleticism and effort. If you do not know more positions, then with the help of this article, you will get to know them in detail.

Top Fitness Sex Positions to Burn Calories

Sex is the best way to work up a sweat. But both sex partners have to work passionately. There are various sex positions that help you to burn that extra calorie. Now let’s see which one is actually helping with that.

  • Spooning

More than 100 calories can be burned during even this mild sexual activity! Spooning involves sex partners lying on their sides and cuddling; some people engage in hip action, which aids in burning calories. If you really want to do this sex position passionately, then celebrity escorts in Bangalore are the perfect solution in this case.

  • Doggy style

Your quadriceps, the greatest muscle in the front of your thigh, and gluteus, the largest muscle group in your body that allows your hips to contract in all directions, will be worked out when you perform this sex position, which involves you getting down on all fours. As you attempt to meet your sex partner’s thrusts, you wind up using your arms, shoulders, and biceps.

  • Standing sex

The partner being entered and the penetrating partner face each other as they rise up. The partner being penetrated puts their legs around their sex partner for support as the penetrating partner grabs them by the hips or butt. This position is more of a workout for the penetrating partner because it mostly depends on their upper body strength. As they’ll probably have a minor knee bend, they’ll be exercising their thighs, core, biceps, and upper back. If you want an experienced sex partner with whom you can enjoy this position, then a party escort can help you out in this case.

  • Look to the sky

Take advantage of the chance to come out on top the next time you and your male partner are having a heated argument. Compared to your typical go-to position, it is far more lighthearted. Although partners are obviously unable to caress one another in this position, the woman controls the depth and speed, so the action is more to her preference. The man places his legs on the nearby chair after bending them at the knees while lying on his back on the tabletop. Facing her lover, the woman sits on top of his penis. She sets her feet down on the table. She grasps the back of the chair with her hands behind her back.

  • Stand and carry

Show your sexual partner that you are prepared to carry her on the spicier portion of your body in addition to your arms. When a guy holds a woman in his arms, he puts her crotch in close proximity to his penis and throws her legs on his arms with their elbows bent. With one hand, the woman holds the male partner’s neck, while with the other, she can stroke his face, torso, or chest, if she so chooses. In order to kiss and intensify their excitement, the couples’ faces should be level. But how can it be more powerful when he’s already inside her coveted body?

These are some of the top sex positions by which you can burn those extra calories and also enjoy a wonderful moment with her. So, have sex and enjoy the night.